Buku ini adalah jawaban dari kebingungan akan bagaimana prosedur internal maupun eksternal terkait dengan kewajiban perpajakan Perusahaan. Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi Standar Operating Procedure Perusahaan Jasa, Perhitungan Objek Pajak-Aspek Perpajakan dan SOP PPh Pasal 21,23, Pasal 4 (2) Final, Pasal 25/29 dan SOP PBB.
This Manual explains how to use the IBM Personal Computer Disk Operating System Version 2.10 (DOS). Information is also given on how to prepare DOS and your fixed disk for use, and how to use the features of DOS Version 2.10
This book is about the concepts, structure, and mechanisms of operating systems. Its purpose is to present, as clearly and completely as possible, the nature and characteristics of modern day operating systems. The application of these concepts depends on the current state of technology and the particular application requirements.