Office Practices and Procedures is designed to serve the secretarial student. The guidelines set forth in this book are suitable for the most formal office, for example, a traditional law firm in a major city.
The principal aims of this book are to describe the established organization and methods of working in the civil engineering.
This book is Practice And Procedure For The Quantity Surveyor
Buku ini adalah jawaban dari kebingungan akan bagaimana prosedur internal maupun eksternal terkait dengan kewajiban perpajakan Perusahaan. Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi Standar Operating Procedure Perusahaan Jasa, Perhitungan Objek Pajak-Aspek Perpajakan dan SOP PPh Pasal 21,23, Pasal 4 (2) Final, Pasal 25/29 dan SOP PBB.