This textbook is intended to present the currently accepted theories, design principles and practices of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The assumptions and limitations used in developing a theory or a method are pointed out and sufficient number of examples and practice problems are included to illustrate the application of basis principles of proctical problems.The text provides su…
Soil mechanics is designed as atext for an introductory course in soli mechanics. An intensive effort was made to identify the truly fundamental and relevant principles of soil mechanics and to present them clearly and thorought.
Buku inimembahas tentang Ilmu Mekanika Tanah yang sudah mengalami banyak pengubahan dan perkembangan sejah penerbitan edisi pertama buku mekanika tanah pada tahun1972. Buku ini mencakup, sifat - sifat umum tanah, Penilaian, Klasifikasi, dan Deskripsi Tanah, Cara-cara Penyelidikan di Lapangan, Rembesan Air dalam Tanah, Konsolidasi dan Penurunan, Pemadatan Tanah dan Sifat-sifat Tanah di Pulau Jawa.
The purpose of soil mechanics, they govern the treatment of the subject in this book. Part A deals with the physical properties of soils and part B with the theories of soil mechanics.
This is the aim of this fourth edition to emphasize the real world of soil and rock with which the engineer must cope.