This book is dedicated to the learning and teaching of structural analysis at the intermediate level.
The purpose of the book is to present the structural steelwork calculations involved in the design of elements in simple steel-frame buildings.
The title of this textbook epresses my belief that certain fundamentals concepts must be mastered by any serious student of structural analysis.
Buku ini membahas mengenai Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) berbasis kovarian, dengan software pengolah data, yaitu program LISREL dan AMOS. Buku ini menyajikan bagaimana cara menggunakan SEM berbasis kovarian untuk menganalisa hasil riset yang menggunakan variabel-variabel laten.
This book has been written to provide a practical introduction to structural analysis and design using a microcomputer.
The handbook of structural concrete is intended as an international reference work on the current of the art and science of structural concrete, to provide authoritative coverage of the priciples, procedures and data relating.
Buku ini membahas teori mengenai structural Equation Model, mengenal program LISREL yang merupakan perangkat lunak khusus, aplikasi SEM dalam riset ekonomi yang meliputi kasus dan masalah dan latihan-latihan soal dan kasus-kasus yang terjadi dalam ekonomi.