Practice And Progress: An Integrated Course For Pre-Intermediate Students This books has been...
Student Guidebook For Dummies 2: Pintar itu relatif, nyontek itu alternatif adalah buku kedua dari Kevin Anggara - pelajar kreatif yang sering gila-gilaan di Youtube dan Instagram. Penasaran dengan isi kepala Kevin yang absurd dan kreatif ? Langsung aja kita sontek dari bukunya.
Developing Skills An integrated course for intermediate students. This book has accompanying cassettes.
Grammar Practice For Intermediate Students gives short, clear explanations of all the main areas of english grammar.
Sebagai buku teks MKDU bahasa inggris Culture-Based English For College Students merupakan salah satu pilihan tepat untuk mendukung terwujudnya tujuan bahasa inggris sebagai alat komunikasi.
Buku ini kaya akan kosa kata dan contoh -contoh kalimat, yang pas dipakai oleh siapa saja.
This grade course of readings and exercises isintended for students of economics who need to consolidate their knowledge of english either as a library language or as a full time mediumof instuction.
This book offers the student an up-to-date guide to many aspects of show how word are built from their component part. how words have comeinto english from other languages, and how new words are invented. it provides vocabularies of modern English used in computing, technology, science and in international businessand law.
English 2 for semester two has been designed mainly to meet the second semester students needs of the first year of the commerce.