Buku ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi para akademisi yang mempelajari manajemen rekayasa konstruksi, para pelaku konstruksi, baik dari pihak pemilik proyek maupun kontraktor, dan terutama quantity surveyor. yang dibahas disini antara lain perkembangan profesi quqntity surveying, prinsip dasar dalam quantity surveying, dan aspek-aspek terkait biaya konstruksi seperti proses tender, administrasi ko…
Buku teks ini berisi teori dasar dan bahan praktis untuk pemakaian di lapangan maupun ruang kuliah.
SITE Surveying And Levelling 2 provides a course textbook for those studyng second level courses in the subject as part of a technician qualification in building.
This is the second edition of Surveying For Construction, the majority of students in course of construction, building and engineering fall into this category.
This New edition of Elements Of Quantity Surveying one of the best known and most successful textbooks in the field for many years.
This 12th edition of 'Elementary Surveying : An Introduction To Geomatics' present basic concepts and practical material in each of the areas fundamental to modern surveying (geomatics) practice.
Buku Teks ini berisi teori dasar dan bahan praktis untuk pemakaian di lapangan maupun ruang kuliah.