Pembahasan pada buku Linguistics basic theory and roles in English language teaching ini mencakup uraian tentang tiga hal utama yaitu: bahasa, linguistik, dan pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Ketiga hal tersebut dituangkan dalam bentuk sub-sub topik sebagai berikut: Komunikasi dan Bahasa dalam kehidupan sosial manusia, Hubungan antara bahasa dan linguistic, Elemen utama ilmu linguistik seperti Fonetiā¦
These books are designed to offer teachers material that can be directly used in class.
The aim of this booklet is to assemble, in summarized form, proven ideas in the teaching of shorthand. Because of space limitations it cannot do more than indicate the main principles to be followed.
This book is for people who want to learn the basic concepts of robotics with-out taking a formal course.
This book is Teaching Practice : Lesson Planning
This book has been designed to address the educational needs of students by focusing on numerous dimensions of major teaching styles.
This book aims at presenting the contemporary situation in India with regard to English.
The book is intended for students who offer to work on teaching of english.
This book consist of nineteen chapter and part deals the specific aspect of english teaching.
Buku Sure You Can Grammar Teaching To Teach Grammar In Context ini disusun secara cerdas untuk membantu Mahasiswa agar lebih mudah dalam mempelajari Grammar. Di dalam buku disajikan 13 pokok bahasan di dalam pengajaran grammar yang disajikan dalam serangkaian kemasan kegiatan belajar sesuai dengan konteks.