Using Information Technology As A Concepts Textbook For The Introductory College Course On Computer. The First Textbook To Foresee And Define The Impact Of Digital Convergence-The Fusion Of Computers And Communication-As The New And Broader Foundation For This Course
This book a Certain amount of basis Knowledge of computer net working and telecommunications is assumed.
The bjective of this book. like its previous edition, is to provide an introduction to the basis principles an anlog and digital communication for advanced undergraduates in electrical or computer engineering.
This course in telecommunications is challenging and provides ample opportunity for students to express their creative ability.
Mobile Cellular Telecommunications a complete update of the classic guide to all aspects of cellular systems design.
This book has been thoroughly revised to keep readers abreast of the latest telemmunications technologies and tools, significant additinclude coverage of: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), Dense Wavelenght Division Multiplexing (DWDM), Fiber Optic Media.