Buku Kejahatan Transfer Dana: Evolusi dan Modus Kejahatan Melalui Sarana Lembaga Keuangan Bank yang membahas tentang lalu lintas giro (LLG) dan Real Time Gros (RTGS) yang mempermudah nasabah melakukan kegiatan transfer dana. Kegiatan ini bukan tanpa resiko karena oknum tertentu berkolaborasi dengan internal bank dapat dan telah menyalahgunakan fasilitas yang tersedia. Terdiri dari 5 bab membaha…
This is especially true to those engaged in pollution control and environment protection.
Heat Transfer, a field comprising a synthesis of a number of engineering science disciplines, is significantly influenced by the rapidly occurring changes in modern technology.
The large number of problem, including the solved examples,reveal the breadth and depth ofthe science and technology of heart transfer.
Heat and Mass Transfer contains comprehensive.
The goal at which this book is aimed is to introduce the reader to the basic physical phenomena involved in transport processes in general of heat and mass in particular, and to acquaint him with the laws and analytical methods which have been developed for their description.
This text combines detailed coverage with the resource students need to learn the concepts and apply them to solving realistic and relevant problems.
It is the object of this text to provide fundamental instruction in heat transfer while employing the methods and language of industry. Contents: Process Heat Transfer, Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Temperature, Counterflow, Furnace Calculations.
Edisi keempat dari buku teks klasik ini telah diperbarui dengan aplikasi-aplikasi dalam dunia teknologi modern.
Edisi keempat dari buku teks klasik ini telah diperbaharui dengan aplikasi-aplikasi dalam dunia teknologi modern.