Buku Perencanaan Pembangunan Waterfront City dan Percepatan Pembangunan Perdesaan dengan Konsep Agropolitan ini dimaksudkan untuk mendalami ilmu perencanaan pembangunan, dengan berbagai aspek pendukungnya seperti konsep perencanaan, konsep dan tolok ukur pembangunan perencanaan kota pantai (Waterfront-City).
The emphasis is upon design of water and sewerage works, and the intended audience is the undergraduate students in civil engineering.
This textbook was developed in response to the educational needs of scientists, engineers, planners, and environmentalists to incoporporate hydrologic concepts, ideas, and models into comprehensive water quantity studies.
This edition like the former is intended to introduce the design of water and wastewater.
This edition of the book is set up in the same format as previous edition. the first five chapter deal with the subjects of hydrology.
The contents of this book are organized in three parts ; part one-basic of system techniques part two-model development and part three-applications
This book is intended as a text for the student in courses related to industrial water pollution control and as a guide for the engineer industry, governmental agencies, and consulting engineering firms involved in developing state of the art sollution to industrial water pollution control problem.
This book is Text Book Of Water Supply And Sanitary Engineering
This book is Elements Of Water Supply And Wastewater Disposal
Buku ini membahas tentang permainan air water fun