Buku ajar Copywriting ini berisikan materi ajar di Prodi S-1 Ilmu Komunikasi UNJ. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan contoh tugas dan best practice dari praktisi. Memuat teori mengenai berbagai teknik copywriting seperti teknik visual, storytelling, hypnocopywriting, dan lainnya.
Essay Writing: English for Academic Purposes is a vey practical book. This book covers very valuable topics, such as basic principles in academic writing, meaningful reading for writing, writing an introduction, writing citations, data gathering, commenting on data, writing references, and revising and editing.
Buku Writing Super Guide For Today's Learners: Menulis Berstandar Internasional ini berisi cara menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, penggunaan grammar yang tepat, vocabulary yang sering digunakan beberapa contoh tulisan, serta latihan yang diperlukan agar menulis bisa berjalan sukses.
The handbook contains a wide range of important, generally used expressions, words, abbreviations, acronyms, initialism, up-to-date codes of airlines, cities, countries, and telex networks.
This book contains notes on the arrangement of many forms of typewritten matter, together with diagrams and examples.
This book provides more than sufficient passages for a years work. It also contains a number of worked examples
The third edition of Introduction To Academic Writing continous in the tradition of helping students to master the standard organizational patterns of the paragraph and the basic concepts of essy writing.
Exploring Writing features avariety of Activities, which appear through-out parts 1 through 5; these allow students ample opportunities to practice paragraph- and essay writing skills. Activities are title and numbered (starting at 1) within each chapter. Answer to these are located only in the Instructor's Manual and Annotated Instructor's Edition.
Skill in written communication is essential for a successful administrator. An officer without this skill is professionally handicapped to a serious degree.
A Guide To Writing As An Engineer Second Edition is intended for profesional engineers, engineering students in all other technical discipline. It not only adresesses important writing concept that apply to profesionalenginnering communication, but also deals with the content, organization, format, and stytle of specific kinds of technical writing such as reports, business letters, office memo…