Membahas tentang Dasar - dasar fisis dari rangkaian listrik ,tenaga dan informasi
Tujuan buku ini adalah untuk memperlenalkan dasar - dasar elektronika kepada mahasiswa.
The main purpose of the instant Spelling Dictionary is to provide a quick, easy way to determine the correct spelling, the correct division, and the correct accent of 25,000 english Words. The use of this spelling dictionary will reduce, by at least two-thirds, the time normlly taken to find a word in a regular dictionary. Both for the individual and a business office, this book can bring great…
The objective of this book as it was for the four prior editions is to introduce undergraduate engineering and science students to the essentials of electric engineerring.
Buku ini membahas tentang cara kerja mesin - mesin Listrik dan kunci - soal - soal
Mesin Listrik membahas tentang Rangkaian Magnetik dan Sifat - sifat bahan megnetik.