Buku ini menyajikan dasar-dasar teori dan ilmu manajemen operasional.
This book present he basics of an operational theory and science of management.Althought we deal with the subject thoroooughtly in chapter 3, we wouldlike to point out here that the operational approacch to any science is one where the concepts, principles, and techniques are designed to be related to, and to underpin, the field of practice, in this case, managing.
Essrntials of management is a concise version of the eight edition of management whose prior editions and translations into fifteen languages heve been well accepted around the word by readers and education for more than thirty years.
Buku ini tentang basis Teori dan Ilmu Manajemen , sifat tujuan perencanaan, Strategi dan Kebijaksanaan dan Pengambilan Keputusan dan Pengorganisasian.
Buku ini membahas dasar-dasar teori operasional dan ilmu manajemen
Buku ini menyajikan dasar-dasar dari teori dan ilmu manajemen operasional.