Currently, indonesia's economic growth is glowing down and tends to stagnate at around 5,3%. in fact, before the economic crisis, indonesia's economis growth average 6,4% in the 1980-1996 period. Therefore, extra effort is needed to increase indonesia's economic growth in the aggregate.
Infrastructure development is directed to increase intra and inter island connectivity, to incearse intra and inter island connectivity, to induce balanced development among regions, to provide access to basic services, to support urban and rural development, and to anticipate climate change. Logistik cost in 2045 is expected to fall to 8% of GDP.
Pengembangan infrastruktur diarahkan untuk meningkatkan konektivitas antar dan antar pulau, untuk mendorong pembangunan yang seimbang antar daerah, untuk menyediakan akses ke layan dasar, untuk mendukung pembangunan perkotaan dan pedesaan, dan untuk mengantisipasi perubahan iklim. Biaya logistik pada tahun 2045 diperkirakan akan turun hingga 8% dari PDB.