The idea for this book grew out of discussions between the statistics faculty abd the engineering faculty at the Colorado School of Mines regarding our introductory statistics course for engineers.
Practical Negotiating is an innovative, resourceful, and-as its name implies-practical guide to the art and science of negotiating. Unlike many books on negotiating, which are filled with theories and anecdotes, this one is rich with examples, tactics, and tips, which makes it the indispensable book when you are going into any negotiation.
For ease of use and flexibility in selesting topics, this book is arranged in eight sections. Part 1: Ordinary Differential Equations, Part 2: Partial Differential Equations, Part 3: Matrices and Linear Algebra, Part 4: Systems of Differential Equations, Part 5: Vector Analysis, Part 6: Fourier Analysis and Part 7: Complex Functions.
The material contained in the seven chapters would normally comprise a first course in basic fluid mechanics for engineers and scientist.
Dictionary Of Economics Has Been Compiled To Meet The Needs Of Students Of Economics At All Levels
Buku ini mengulas tentang berbagai fasilitas yang disediakan Adobe Photoshop CSS. dilengkapi gambar-gambar dan uraian secara rinci pada tiap bahasan serta contoh-contoh latihan.
This is the second in a series of three books by the same author design to provide the mathematics for TEC certificate course.
Seri "Basics" adalah seri buku tentang dasar-dasar arsitektur yang diperlukan oleh setiap mahasiswa tingkat dasar jurusan arsitektur dan desain. Buku ini menyajikan aturan-aturan dasar dari setiap disiplin ilmu yang ada dalam jurusan arsitektur. Buku ini berisi, antara lain Dasar-dasar Desain, Mendesain dalam Konteks, Desain dan Fungsi, Konstituen Desain, Bekerja dengan Material dan Struktur, d…
Pembahasan pada buku Linguistics basic theory and roles in English language teaching ini mencakup uraian tentang tiga hal utama yaitu: bahasa, linguistik, dan pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Ketiga hal tersebut dituangkan dalam bentuk sub-sub topik sebagai berikut: Komunikasi dan Bahasa dalam kehidupan sosial manusia, Hubungan antara bahasa dan linguistic, Elemen utama ilmu linguistik seperti Foneti…
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