Buku ini menyajikan pembahasan construction cost secara komprehensif, yang meliputi : (1) Construction cost accounting, yakni memahami dasar-dasar cost accounting yang biasa digunakan dalam kegiatan konstruksi, (2) Construction cost estimate, yakni menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat cost estimate secara layak agar memperoleh jumlah yang akurat, (3) Construction cost budget, yakni menjelaskan ba…
Buku ini menyajikan dasar teknik dan cara dimana sistem itu dibangun dan duigunakan. Selain memperluas berbagai aplikasi DSS tradisional, edisi ini juga memperluas pemahaman pembaca mengenai dunia Web dengan memberikan contoh, produk, layanan dan latihan dan dengan mendiskusikan isu-isu yang terkait dengan Web.
This book is designed for business student and information system in business.
This book is based on the fundamental premise that the major role of information technology is to provide organizations with strategic advantage by facilitating problem solving, increasing productivity and quality increasing speed, omproving customer service, enhancing communication and collaboration, and enabling business process restucturing
Buku ini membahas bagaimana mengidentifikasi keunggulan bersaing, menciptakan keunggulan bersaing hingga pemilihan strategi perusahaa yang tepat untuk masa kini.
This book attempts to come to grips with many of the major issues facing managers in this country today. Rather than telling you what should be done it is also tempered with some suggestions as to how they may be done.
This book present he basics of an operational theory and science of management.Althought we deal with the subject thoroooughtly in chapter 3, we wouldlike to point out here that the operational approacch to any science is one where the concepts, principles, and techniques are designed to be related to, and to underpin, the field of practice, in this case, managing.
The Author has drawn freely upon his more extensive book, Production Control Systems and Decisions. Those who desire a working knowledge of the subject in a limited time will find that this book, Operation Planing and Control, will give them an adequate understanding of operations system designing.
Essrntials of management is a concise version of the eight edition of management whose prior editions and translations into fifteen languages heve been well accepted around the word by readers and education for more than thirty years.
Qontinous quality improvent is essential for any organization's survival in the twenty first century.Leading corporations such as Motorola, general electric.