Buku ini berisi pengenalan dan pengetahuan dasar internet.
Utilizing the Internet anthe world wide web technology, course can be offered to students anywhere in the world, without ani other technical requirements than a personal computer and a telephone line. Althought laboratory course are an essential parts of education, especially in engineering, such course have will recently been considered impractical for remote students.
It Features relevant, current topics that are directly related to the students future studies or current jobs in management. international trade, finance and so on.
This book contains ten case studies dealing with various situationa in international management.
Di bidang audit modern terjadi perubahan yang terus menerus konsep, sistem, dan prosedur baru terus membanjiri dunia usaha maupun sektor pemerintahan untuk melayani mereka audit internal harus berpacu dengan berbagai perubahan yang mempengaruhi pemilik dan manajer perusahaan. Inilah alasan dari edisi terbaru buku Audit Internal karya SAWYER ini.
Buku ini membahas persoalan ratifikasi perjanjian internasional khususnya di Indonesia dengan beberapa uraian mengenai apa itu perjanjian internasional, ratifikasi, sistem pelaksanaan ratifikasi di beberapa negara, dan yang terpenting adalah praktek ratifikasi perjanjian internasional di indonesia
The contents of the book will be equally helpful to the postgraduate students as well and to those preparing for various competitive examinationssuch as civil Services.
The plan of the book assumes that the reader is familiar with thermodynamics and engineering mechanics.
Bisnis internasional ditandai dengan pengembangan nilai tukar mata uang serta munculnya kekuatan-kekuatan ekonomi dan politik baru dengan skala raksasa
International Organizations A Dictionary And Directory, This dictionary is a clear and concise guide to the complex world of International organizations and their new and expanding role in the post-cold-war era.