Buku ini memuat : Keterangan mengenai jenis surat, Penjelasan mengenai bagian-bagian surat, Banyak contoh surat mengenai masalah-masalah yang kerap ditemui dalam urusan bisnis sehari-hari, Latihan-latihan yang akan lebih memperkuat dasar pemahaman mengenai masalah-masalah yang telah dipelajari. Di samping mengenai masalah-masalah perniagaan, dalam buku ini juga dibahas masalah surat lamaran dan…
This book will be invaluable on all courses where business communication and correspondence are directly studied.
Designed as a reference book for all who write, dictate or type business letters this book covers all aspects of the subject from the essential grammatical background to composition, style, display and typing and includes comprehensive information on related office activities and procedures, filing systems and general office machinery. This fourth edition has been extensively revised to take ac…
This book covers all aspects of business correspondence from the essential grammatical background to composition, style, display and typing. This new third edition has been very extensively revised to take account of the changes in modern commercial practice, giving particular emphasis to the choice and use of words.
The book deals with both profit and non profit letter writing the secretary is often required to write. The model letters are deliberately made simple and brief.
Buku "Modern Business Correspondence" memberikan tehnik pembuatan surat dagang yang baik, dengan kata-kata/ungkapan-ungkapan/kalimat-kalimat mutakhir dalam kegiatan usaha/business, antara lain berisi : permintaan penawaran, penawaran, pesanan, faktur dan rekening, pembayaran lewat bank, klaim, telegram, lamaran kerja dan lain sebagainya, lengkap dengan keterangan dan latihan.