Untuk Membantu Meningkatkan Produktivitas Dalam Menghemat Waktu
Designed as a reference book for all who write, dictate or type business letters this book covers all aspects of the subject from the essential grammatical background to composition, style, display and typing and includes comprehensive information on related office activities and procedures, filing systems and general office machinery. This fourth edition has been extensively revised to take ac…
Buku ini mengenai pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang surat-menyurat, teknik penyusunannya, macam-macam surat bisnis dan surat resmi, berikut contoh-contoh mutakhir model surat.
This book does not set out to teach the elementary principles of typing. Its aim is rather to gather in one volume the information a professional typist or secretary needs if she is to perform her day-to-day duties quickly, efficiently and in accordance with the best modern practice.